Resources for Students

This page contains resources for Professor Dorr’s current and former students and anyone else who might benefit from it.

If this material is helpful, consider buying my book “Ten Essential Skills for Electrical Engineers.” This book has helped thousands of new grads succeed in job interviews and get great jobs. The first nine chapters are technical review. The last chapter (and surprisingly the most popular) is called “Getting a job, keeping a job, and enjoying your work.”

Circuit Analysis II – EE 310

This course covers second order circuits, AC circuit analysis, frequency response, Bode plots, Laplace transforms, convolution and circuit analysis using Laplace transforms. The course covers Chapters 8 – 16 of “Electric Circuits” by Alexander and Sadiku. Here you will find lecture notes, lecture videos, and old exams.

Senior Design – EE496A and EE496B
Senior Design is the two-semester Capstone course for Electrical and Computer Engineers.

Microelectronics Laboratory – EE430-L
This lab course has five labs that emphasize practical use of lab equipment, debugging skills, and design of semiconductor circuits. Each student is given a blank PCB at the beginning of the semester, and they use it for all experiments, debugging, and soldering exercises. Students find this lab to be excellent preparation for job interviews.